School’s out | Easter’s on its way

School’s out | Easter’s on its way

For families across the county, the Easter holidays are nearly here!

As attractions are whirring into life, there are so many activities to choose from:

Camel Creek Adventure Park – Wadebridge

Head down to Camel Creek Adventure Park this Easter for egg-cellent games and an Easter egg per child!

Turn up any day from April 9 – 24 to join the festivities.

Meet Peter Rabbit, on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, and Sonic the Hedgehog on April 19th and 20th.

For more information and to book, follow:

Trebah Gardens – Mawnan Smith

Go for a wonderful walk around the themed trails at Trebah this Easter break.

Learn about allotments from the experts at Rocket Gardens and get inspired to grow your own with your family.

The Vegetable Root trail can be bought for £2 on arrival and includes something for you and your little one to take home!

Start your veg adventure and book here:

Paradise Park – Easter quiz

Take part in the Easter Quiz at Paradise Park, between April 9 and 24 and claim your chocolatey prize!

Have your usual fun in the park, with the birds, red pandas and squirells, even head to the Jungle Barn for indoor play.

Find out more and book, here:

See what else is happening this half term in the digital edition, below: